Gameone21 The Power of the Check How a Simple Move Can Turn the Tide in Texas Holdem

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  • [問題] 新手關於Gameone娛樂城21點問題

  • The Power of the Check: How a Simple Move Can Turn the Tide in Texas Hold'em

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[問題] 新手關於Gameone娛樂城21點問題

[問題] 新手關於21點問題 | PTT 熱門文章 Hito

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[問題] 新手關於21點問題



看板 macau
作者 sean0420
時間 2019年02月23日
留言 23則留言,9人參與討論
推噓 7 ( 7推 0噓 16→ )
大家好小弟是新手 目前是在看21點基本策略 有爬澳門板上21點跟資訊.但還是不太理解 有幾個問題想問前輩們 關於HIT牌之後還能不能投降或DOUBLE? 還有就是SOFT17跟HARD17真的不是很明白.. 是莊家A6需要補牌叫H17是嗎?這樣對玩家比較有優勢 然後有發現基本策略表網絡上好像有些有投降,有些沒有 是因為某些Gameone娛樂城賭場沒有投降嗎? 另外如果AA分牌 又分出A 我可以再分嗎? Gameone娛樂城出金 ? 另外現在都是蝸牛機裏面是六副牌嗎?是會把全部六副牌玩完還是一副出來又進去洗了 所以沒辦法算牌這樣? 好像還有歐式跟美式的規則..差別在哪裏呢? 目前21點是公海(麗星跟公主)跟澳門金沙.威尼斯.海立方.皇家金堡 這幾家為主對吧? 小弟賭本不大,應該要拿多少本金出來對比多少注比較好呢 另外有沒有前輩們的LINE羣可讓小弟進去聊天學習 在此感謝 LINE:24228745 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: 1f80906: 説到底也是運氣運氣,如果本不多,建議當好玩就好 02/23 14:56 2joybees: 借標題問一下 100桌的Gameone娛樂城賭場是不是很少了 02/23 15:48 3gn01642884: 1.hit後不能投降和double 02/23 16:19 4gn01642884: 2.軟和硬的差別就是有A的狀況下你補張10會不會死 02/23 16:20 5gn01642884: 例如你拿了A6為soft17 這時候你hit來張8 這時後就是ha 02/23 16:21 6gn01642884: rd 15 02/23 16:21 7gn01642884: 3.澳門莊17停 無論soft hard 02/23 16:22 8gn01642884: 4.aa分後出A可不可分看賭場 大部分不給分 02/23 16:22 9gn01642884: 5.本金控管我都是帶平均注碼的三倍標準差 這樣破產機 02/23 16:23 10gn01642884: 率低於0.2% 02/23 16:23 11gn01642884: 100桌印象中金龍好像去年開始有了 02/23 16:24 12Nobita: 前半部問題是賭規 賭規是跟着公司走的 同公司同賭規 02/23 16:45 13Nobita: 賭台數 底柱/頂柱 座位數等 是跟賭場走的 現場自己看 02/23 16:46 14Nobita: RSA(A分後再分)的賭規 近年都取消了 02/23 16:47 15Nobita: 目前各公司主要賭規差異 就是莊BJ吃不吃加注(加倍/分牌) 02/23 16:48 16Nobita: 還有分牌次數上限 & 給不給跟注 誰説話等等 02/23 16:50 17Nobita: 有興趣想找底注較小的 可以找比較小的賭場看看 02/23 16:51 18sean0420: 謝謝幾位前輩 02/23 20:53 19steven21941: 100的16浦有 02/24 01:47 20superskyblux: 16浦很多歐巴桑,沒有基本策略打法 02/24 21:55 21phsredbean: 16浦也會有會玩的 但是會很傲慢= =有遇過一直出言指點 02/25 00:04 22phsredbean: 人家的...注小的桌旁邊坐着的玩家是什麼咖很碰運氣 02/25 00:04 23ooqqqoo: 16浦上個月去 可以RSA 02/25 01:30 返回 macau 看板


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"The Power of the Check: How a Simple Move Can Turn the Tide in Texas Hold'em"

The Power of the Check: How a Simple Move Can Turn the Tide in Texas Hold'em

In the game of Texas Hold'em, the power of a well-timed check cannot be underestimated. While many players focus on aggressive betting and raising, the check can be a strategic move that can turn the tide of the game in your favor. Let's explore how the check can be a powerful tool in your poker arsenal.

1. Pot Control

One of the main advantages of checking is that it allows you to control the size of the pot. By checking instead of betting, you give other players the opportunity to make a move and potentially build the pot for you. This can be especially useful when you have a strong hand but want to keep the pot smaller to minimize your risk.

2. Inducing Bluffs

Checking can also be a great way to induce bluffs from your opponents. When you check, it signals weakness and can lead other players to believe that you have a weak hand. This can entice them to make a bet or a bluff, allowing you to catch them off guard and potentially win a larger pot.

3. Concealing Hand Strength

Checking can also be a strategic move to conceal the strength of your hand. By checking instead of betting, you can keep your opponents guessing about the strength of your hand. This can make it more difficult for them to make accurate decisions and can give you an advantage in the later stages of the hand.

4. Setting Traps

Checking can also be used to set traps for your opponents. For example, if you have a strong hand but want to give the impression that you have a weaker hand, you can check and allow your opponents to make a bet. This can give you the opportunity to make a larger raise or even go all-in, catching your opponents off guard and potentially winning a big pot.

5. Saving Chips

Lastly, checking can be a great way to save chips in certain situations. For example, if you have a marginal hand and suspect that your opponent has a stronger hand, checking can prevent you from losing more chips by avoiding a costly bet. This can be especially useful in tight situations where preserving your chip stack is crucial.

In conclusion, the check is a powerful move in Texas Hold'em that should not be overlooked. It can be used for pot control, inducing bluffs, concealing hand strength, setting traps, and saving chips. By incorporating the check into your poker strategy, you can gain a significant advantage over your opponents and turn the tide of the game in your favor.
















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